ASAA - Amateur Station Apparatus Assignment (For Malaysia)


All amateur radio stations in Malaysian must be licensed by getting the proper ASAA (Amateur Station Apparatus Assignment) from MCMC as the authority for the communications industry in Malaysia. You need to obtain an ASAA to operate an amateur radion stations.

There are 3 types of ASAA (Ameteur Station Apparatus Assignment) under Amateur Radio Category:-
(ASAA) Amateur Station Apparatus Assignment - CLASS A
  1. (ASAA) Amateur Station Apparatus Assignment - CLASS B
  2. Amateur Repeater Station
To apply for an ASAA (Ameteur Station Apparatus Assignment) the applicant has to fill in the following form :-
  1. Application for Apparatus Assignment (s) (Amateur Service) form for ASAA (Ameteur Station Apparatus Assignment)(Class A & B) ; or
  2. Application for Apparatus Assignment (s) (Mobile Service) form for Amateur Repeater Station.
The validity period for ASAA (Ameteur Station Apparatus Assignment) is between three months to five years. Sample of the form is shown in Appendix 11.

ELIGIBILITY FOR ASSA (Amateur Station Apparatus Assignment) APPLICATION

To be eligible for ASAA (Amateur Station Apparatus Assignment) Application, Applicant must meet the following conditions:-

  1. Over 14 years of age for ASAA (Amateur Station Apparatus Assignment) class B and 18 years and above for ASAA (Amateur Station Apparatus Assignment) Class A. Applicants under 21 years will be required to present consent from their parent, guardian or any other approved person who shall be responsible for the observance of the conditions of the applicants to countrersigned their application.
  2. A Malaysian citizens or citizens of countries who have a reciprocal arrangement with our country. Please refer to Appendix 8 for the list of the countries.
  3. Hold an AROC class A or B or in lieu, a copy of Examination results issued by the MCMC


The ASAA (Amateur Station Apparatus Assignment) holder shall comply with the relevant provisions of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 (CMA98) and its subsidiary legislations or any amendments made thereof.

The ASAA (Amateur Station Apparatus Assignment) holder shall comply with the relevant provisions of the radio Regulations of the ITU and International Telecommunications Convention.

The usage fo frequencies for repeater stations operating VHF and UHF bands within 50 kilo meters of the Malaysian border will require border coordination woth the neighbouring countries for the mutual arrangement between Malaysia and the neighbouring country


The fees for the ASAA are as below:-

ASAA (Amateur Station Apparatus Assignment) Class A - Application Fee - RM 60.00 - Annual Fee - RM 36.00
ASAA (Amateur Station Apparatus Assignment) Class B - Application Fee - RM 60.00 - Annual Fee - RM 24.00
Amateur Radio Repeater Station - Application Fee - RM 60.00 - Annual Fee - RM 60.00


Foreing amateur radio operator may apply for ASAA (Amateur Station Apparatus Assignment) under the reciprocal arrangement between their country and Malaysia. MCMC may issue an ASAA (Amateur Station Apparatus Assignment) to the foreign amateur radio operator if they meet all the requirements. The class of the ASAA (Amateur Station Apparatus Assignment)issued will be equivalent to the license class or assignment issued by their home country authority int their original home country. Please refer the list below of the countries which have a reciprocal arrangement with Malaysia.:-


1. Thailang
2. Indonesia
3. Laos
4. Vietnam
5. Myanmar
6. India
7. China
8. Mongolia
9. United Kingdom
10. Republic Germany
11. Switzerlan
12. Finland
13. Czechoslovakia

The ASAA (Amateur Station Apparatus Assignment) will not be issued for a period of more than the validity of the home country license or one year which ever is earlier.

Foreign amateur radio operator which came from country which have no reciprocal arrangement will be dealt on case by case basis. However an introduction from a member of MARTS will be preferred.

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